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Here is the orientation slide deck. Please refer to it throughout this experience and email us if you have any questions! 

Workshop #1

In this workshop, students will engage in a structured assessment to identify their top five signature strengths. This process will provide them with valuable insights into their unique talents and will guide them in leveraging these strengths effectively to enhance their personal growth and academic success.

Workshop #2

In this workshop, students will gain an understanding of various leadership types and theories. By learning about effective leadership practices that can benefit both their academic pursuits and future careers, students will adapt and shape the type of leader they aspire to become.

Workshop #3

In this workshop, students will participate in thought-provoking discussions and engage in self-reflection exercises. This experience will foster a deeper understanding of their own identities and help them understand their role within their local, societal, cultural, and global community.

Workshop #4

In this workshop, students will delve deeper into advanced concepts, promoting critical thinking, and fostering meaningful conversations about identity, diversity, and social justice. This experience will allow students to empower themselves and those around them.

Workshop #5

In this workshop, students will explore the life stories of various successful leaders, gaining insight into their backgrounds and how resilience played a crucial role in their journeys. They will have the opportunity to create their own resiliency plans, equipping them with valuable strategies to pursue academic and personal achievements in the future.

Workshop #6

In this workshop, students will explore the different aspects of self-care in our modern society, acknowledging its complexities. They will also delve into the cultural impacts that self-care practices may have at home and gain practical strategies for effectively managing stress, prioritizing self-care, and fostering their overall well-being.

Workshop #7

In this workshop, students will engage in career readiness activities & discussions to uncovering their authentic passions and talents, empowering them to make informed decisions regarding their professional futures.

 © 2023 Commonpoint Queens
Youth Employment Programs | HSCS Division

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