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Workshop #6: Cultivating Wellness - Batista

Before you start this, check to see that you have selected the correct facilitator. You must post only under your facilitator's section.

DUE: DEC 9th by 12 PM

Prompts (answer in at least 200 words):

  1. The seven dimensions of wellness include: physical, emotional, intellectual, social, spiritual, environmental, and occupational. As you head into your internship experience, what aspects of wellness do you think will be important for you to focus on and balance?

  2. How does confidence play a role in wellness and self-image? How can you become more confident as a person, student, professional, and ultimately, an intern?

  3. Last but not least, leave some inspiring words or a message to others so that they can develop their confidence and focus on their wellness! Let's inspire and empower one another.


  1. Las siete dimensiones del bienestar incluyen: física, emocional, intelectual, social, espiritual, ambiental y ocupacional. En tu internship, qué aspectos del bienestar crees que será importante centrarse y equilibrar?

  2. ¿Cómo influye la confianza en el bienestar y la autoimagen? ¿Cómo puedes tener más confianza como persona, estudiante, profesional y, en última instancia, en tu internship?

  3. Por último, deja algunas palabras inspiradoras o un mensaje a los demás para que puedan desarrollar su confianza y centrarse en su bienestar. Inspirémonos y empoderémonos unos a otros.


  • Put your name at the top of your post (no name, no credit!)

  • Check your grammar & write formally - do not use informal language or abbreviations

To get full credit:

  • You must have written your response & posted by the deadline

  • You must have replied to two peers



 © 2023 Commonpoint Queens
Youth Employment Programs | HSCS Division

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