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Workshop #4: Critical Consciousness & Identity II - Green

Before you start this, check to see that you have selected the correct facilitator. You must post only under your facilitator's section.

DUE: NOV 25th by 12 PM

Prompts (answer in at least 200 words):

  1. What is a social issue you are very passionate about? Why are you very passionate about it? (Here is a list)

  2. Over the course of the past few years, many states have banned curricula and books from being taught in schools. What are your thoughts on this? Should schools limit what students learn in school?

  3. Search up the term "critical race theory" - what is it? Why are states banning it? Should students be taught this in school? Why or why not?


  • Put your name at the top of your post (no name, no credit!)

  • Check your grammar & write formally - do not use informal language or abbreviations

To get full credit:

  • You must have written your response & posted by the deadline

  • You must have replied to two peers



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Youth Employment Programs | HSCS Division

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