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Workshop #2: Leadership Theories 101 - Green

Before you start this, check to see that you have selected the correct facilitator. You must post only under your facilitator's section. Prompts (answer in at least 200 words):

  1. What does being a leader mean to you?

  2. How have you worked on developing your leadership skills so far? If you haven't started yet, what are your plans to enhance these skills before finishing high school?

  3. Who is a leader you really look up to? What is it about them that you find admirable?

  4. What specific leadership goals have you set for yourself? Can you describe them in detail?


  • Put your name at the top of your post (no name, no credit!)

  • Check your grammar & write formally - do not use informal language or abbreviations

To get full credit:

  • You must have written your response & posted by the deadline

  • You must have replied to two peers



 © 2023 Commonpoint Queens
Youth Employment Programs | HSCS Division

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