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Self-Care Check In #6 - Batista

Due: December 9th by 12 PM 

Answer these questions in a minimum of 200 words:

  1. What does cultivating wellness mean to you?

  2. What aspect of wellness are you more drawn to?

  3. What aspect of wellness do you have a hard time understanding or following up with?

  4. How have you managed your wellness throughout this WLG experience?


  1. ¿Qué significa para ti cultivar el bienestar?

  2. ¿Qué aspecto del bienestar te atrae más?

  3. ¿Qué aspecto del bienestar le resulta difícil comprender o seguir?

  4. ¿Cómo ha balanceado tu bienestar a lo largo de esta experiencia WLG?

Don't Forget!

Write your name at the top of your post. No name, no credit!

ONLY post under your facilitator's name


 © 2023 Commonpoint Queens
Youth Employment Programs | HSCS Division

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