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Module #3B


If you had the opportunity to build your own company, what would it be? For this assignment, you will be taking on the role of a manager and reflecting on a few questions.

Please answer the questions in at least 3-4 sentences each!

A. What company would you build? Provide a specific description.

B. What type of team would you like to lead? What would your leadership look like? C. How would you assess your team's growth? What team norms (or rules) would you have? D. How would you help your team? What resources would you give them? E. Lastly, what would you do if your intern or employee is not following company rules? What if they're consistently late or lack professionalism within the workplace? What would you say to them? What would the next steps look like?

Please make sure to comment below with your name! Also, check your grammar and writing mechanics before submitting.


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Youth Employment Programs | HSCS Division

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