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Module #3A

Suggested Deadline: December 26th

About: In this module, you will be learning about self-evaluation and growth. Both topics are important aspects of personal and professional development. Self-evaluation involves reflecting on your strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement, fostering self-awareness and a deeper understanding of your capabilities. Growth, on the other hand, encompasses the intentional steps and strategies you can take to expand your skills, knowledge, and overall potential.

Part 1: Review this Presentation (open PDF below)

Module 3A (1)
Download PDF • 2.47MB

Here is the link to the presentation in case the PDF does not work for you: (open using non-DOE Email)

Part 2: Reflect

To get credit for completing this module, please reflect in a minimum of 300 words and make sure to write your name at the top of your post. You do not need to reply to others, but please make sure you meet the word requirement. Check your writing for grammar & mechanical errors.

A. What were your key takeaways from this presentation? What did you learn? B. What does growth mean to you? C. What are two professional goals you have for this internship? What do you want to learn? How do you plan on achieving these goals? D. What are two personal goals you have for this internship? What do you want to learn about yourself? How do you plan on achieving these goals?

E. What should you do if something is difficult, challenging, or hindering your growth? How can you communicate that to your supervisor and your WLG support staff?  Before posting, make sure you:

Review your grammar 
Review your punctuation 
Review your word count 
Write your full name at the top 


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Youth Employment Programs | HSCS Division

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