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Module 0: Read First

About Modules: To prepare for the internship component, students will engage in a comprehensive work readiness module designed to foster their growth and the development of essential professional skills. Throughout this module, students will delve into crucial topics, such as professionalism and work ethic, the impacts of effective communication, networking and relationship building, and self-evaluation and growth. By the end of this module, students will have acquired the essential skills and knowledge to excel in their internships. This preparation will set the stage for a successful and productive internship experience for all students.

There are 4 Modules you must complete and you will be able to earn 3 hours per module. What does this mean? You can earn up to 12 hours of PAID $$ work if you complete it. Remember, everything needs to be submitted in high QUALITY! All of the modules are due: on December 30th by 12 PM

We know that asynchronous work can sometimes be tricky if you do not have specific deadlines. Here is our suggested schedule:








​18 - Modules Release (Begin reviewing it)

19 - Work on Module 1

20 - Work on Module 1

21 - Work on Module 2

22 - Work on Module 2

23 - Work on Module 3

24 - Take a Break

25 - Take a Break

26 - Work on Module 3

27 - Work on Module 4

28 - Work on Module 4

29 - Review your Work

30 - All work due by 12 PM

Work Deadline: December 30th at 12 PM (no exceptions or extensions)

Learning Goals - By the end of these modules, you will:

1) Understand Professional Behavior and Work Ethics: You'll learn how to act professionally and understand the importance of honesty, taking responsibility, and working hard in a job.

2) Improve Communication Skills: You'll get better at sharing your ideas, listening well, and adjusting how you talk to different people, making it easier to communicate at work.

3) Learn Networking and Making Connections: You'll discover how to make and keep professional friendships that can help you in your personal and career growth.

4) Reflect and Grow: You'll be able to think about what you're good at and where you can improve, which will help you keep learning and doing better in your internship and the future.

 © 2023 Commonpoint Queens
Youth Employment Programs | HSCS Division

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